Heartland’s fundamental objective is to deliver high performing investments to wholesale and eligible investors. Heartland achieves this by syndicating investments in parcels of $50k, allowing individuals to spread their investments over a range of opportunities.
Heartland allows its investors to choose which investments they wish to participate in.
There is no cost to register as an investor with Heartland, and you are under no obligation to invest. Registration allows you to view every investment opportunity that Heartland has to offer.
Click here to register as an investor.
Heartland seeks out and evaluates investments for its registered investors. The Heartland Board reviews the shortlisted opportunities, and through calculated selection, it then presents suitable opportunities to its registered investors.
Heartland enhances the investments by maintaining effective relationships with investors, fund managers and investee entities, where possible having director representation on the board of investee entities.
Heartland has been managing and administering investments since 2005, which have included both investments in funds and direct investments in private entities.
With a proven track record, a low fee structure, and strict administration systems, Heartland is an extremely attractive investment provider.
Investment opportunities are only available to certain persons who are wholesale investors or otherwise exempt from the disclosure requirements set out in the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 by way of an exemption contained in schedule 1 of that Act.
Register as an Investor
Registration is free and enables eligible investors to receive an Information Memorandum for every new investment opportunity with us.
Please get in touch with us to discuss what current investment opportunities we have on offer.
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